The small town of Villasimius (about 4000 inhabitants) is one of the most important tourist resorts in Sardinia. It is located in the far south-east separating the Costa Rei and the east coast of Cagliari.

If you want to see some of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia, you must come to Villasimius. Here the coast is dotted with many coves and beaches of incredible colours, a true paradise that has been nicknamed the “Polynesia of the Mediterranean“.

There are also interesting places to discover in the hinterland, rich in unspoilt nature and perfect for hiking and outdoor activities.

Discovering Villasimius: the Polynesia of the Mediterranean

➡️ 9 Things not to be missed in Villasimius

1. The beaches of Villasimius

There are roughly 20 beaches in just over 30 km of coastline and some of the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia can be found in this area.

The 10 most beautiful beaches in Villasimius

  1. Punta Molentis
  2. Simius
  3. Porto Giunco
  4. Capo Carbonara beach
  5. Cala Caterina
  6. Spiaggia del riso (Rice Beach)
  7. Campulongu
  8. Beach of Campus
  9. Is Piscadeddus Beach
  10. Porto Sa Ruxi

2. The Islands of Villasimius

The two little islands of Villasimius are true jewels of flora and fauna, as they are home to numerous plant and animal species, including some rare and endemic ones. Both are suitable nesting grounds for various species of birds such as the tufted plover, herring gull, Corsican seagull and the shearwater.

The marine environment has clear deep blue waters with rocky seabeds that also form some underwater caves.

L’isola dei cavoli (Cabbage Island)

This island of granite rocks is less than 1 km from the coast and can be reached privately by dinghy or on a tour. Besides snorkelling in the different bays with clear water, you can also visit the lighthouse, built on an old Spanish tower from 1500. It can be visited from July 15 to September 15 with a guide and offers a fascinating history of the lighthouse and the island.

The Statue: La Madonna del Naufrago

Between the two Faraglioni to the south-east of the island of Cabbages – at a depth of about 10 metres – you can admire the statue of the Madonna del Naufrago dedicated to the fallen and missing at sea.

Made by the Sardinian artist Pinuccio Sciola, the statue was laid on 8 July 1979. The seabed is relatively shallow, so it is quite easy to admire it by simply snorkelling.

On 17 July, there is a festival dedicated to the Madonna that starts from the church of San Raffaele and reaches the island. The procession culminates when the divers place a wreath next to the submerged statue. A great celebration followed by fish tasting and traditional folklore events.

A fascinating experience that is definitely worth a visit.

Serpentara Island

Just 4 km off the coast of Villasimius, you can visit this small, barren, impervious-looking islet. Populated by a wide variety of animal species including wild rabbits, herons and numerous dolphins that can be easily spotted.

In the northern part are the Variglioni, which form natural pools perfect for diving. On the highest point (about 50 metres) stands the tower of San Luigi, built during Spanish rule to sight enemy ships approaching the coast.

3. Cape Carbonara

An easy hike to the end of the promontory in about 15-20 minutes, ideal to go at evening to admire a beautiful sunset.

In this the most southeastern part of Sardinia that you can enjoy one of the best views of Villasimius. From here you have a beautiful view of the island of Cavoli, cava Usai and porto Giunco beach.

4. Notteri pond

Behind the famous Giunco beach, only a thin strip of land separates it. The pond, with no outlets or connections to the sea, being shallow, favours the presence of pink flamingos that stop here frequently.

5. The mountains of Villasimius

Behind Villasimius we enter the Sette Fratelli regional park, one of the largest in Sardinia. Among the most beautiful excursions is the one in the forest of Monte Minni Minni. You can reach the top of the mountain from which you can enjoy a splendid view of the entire south-east coast. The advice is to book one of the many excursions to explore this area.

6. Play Golf in Villasimius

One of the biggest golf course in Sardinia is here in Villasimius. 40 hectares of course with 18 holes create the beautiful golf course of Tanka Golf Villasimius. An enviable location with a spectacular view of the coastline, it alternates between more difficult and slightly easier courses. The course is open all year round, making it a good opportunity to come and play golf in this area.

7. Museums & historical sites

Villasimius Archaeological Museum
Housed in a 19th-century rural house, the museum collects archaeological evidence of the Villasimius territory from the Nuragic Age to the Middle Ages. It also includes artefacts from the sea such as numerous amphorae.

Casa Todde ‘Giorgio Capai’ Maritime Museum
Museum dedicated to navigation. It is housed in a former farmhouse from the second half of the 19th century. Inside you can see the collection of navigation instruments, furniture and furnishings from various vessels. In the courtyard outside, there are old farm vehicles.

Old Fortress
A splendid fortification located on the promontory defended against frequent incursions from the sea between Cala S. Stefano and the fortress beach a. There are still two cannons from the Spanish period
It can be visited with a ticket and is easily reached from the car park by a short route rich in views and panoramic views

8. Where to stay

It’s best to book a hotel or vacation rental on the coast for easy access to beaches and excursions by bike or on foot. Prices vary from the most luxurious to the cheapest hotels.
The best solution is to search on the map, which will show you the current price and availability.

9. What to do: best water activities